Apply to the Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering (DevEng DE)

  • PhD students interested in having a Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering (DevEng DE) must apply at least one semester before their Ph.D. qualifying examination
  • Admission to the DevEng DE is determined by the DevEng Faculty Advisors on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. Candidates are encouraged to apply early in their degree, to maximize benefits from participation in the DevEng community.
  • For initial inquiries about the Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering and about the field in general, students can contact for more information over email, phone, or an in person meeting.
  • Before applying, interested PhD students are required to arrange a consultation meeting with the DevEng director Dr. Yael Perez (
  • After initial consultation meetings, a candidate must submit an application for admission to the Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering:
    1. The application form above includes a paragraph (500 words) summarizing research interests and any educational or employment background related to development economics or development engineering as part of the above form.
    2. A list of courses you expect to use to satisfy the elective requirement should be listed in the application form above. Details on the elective requirement and sample courses that qualify, can be found here.
    3. Letter of recommendation from a member of the Development Engineering faculty graduate group (or the student’s graduate advisor) should be sent to before your application could be approved.